A Weigh In On Door Closers

Automatic hydraulic device, leaver hinge door closer holder.

Determining the correct door closer for a commercial door application may seem simple but if done wrong, a door can quickly become noncompliant, begin to sag and even increase energy costs. There are a number of factors to consider when selecting the best door closer for your commercial property.  Location of door Mounting needs –…

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My Keycard Does What?

Key card technology is an excellent commercial access control solution. A key card, simply defined, is a remote control device with a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip and an antenna that communicates with another RFID chip. One of the uses of this technology is to signal an arming or disarming of a security system. A…

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DIY? DI Why Not.

Home monitoring and office security systems may seem a simple thing to install and maintain. All Secure Lock & Security does offer locks, alarm systems, wellness monitoring and more in the DIY space. However, as security professionals, we can state confidently that do-it-yourself options are not always all they seem to be. So how can…

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Office Security 2.0

Office security continues to evolve with every business now needing some level of protection. One primary reason to invest in office security software and hardware is for the protection of premise and employees from danger, vandalism and theft. The first step in this process is to invite in a security specialist to review current programs…

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