4 Solutions If You Lose Your Keys In The Snow

Every year we get a few calls from customers distraught because they were shoveling and dropped their keys in the snow while shoveling or out having fun. It can happen quickly and with some of our snowstorms equating to several inches of snow, keys are not always easily found. Some newer vehicles may have tracking devices installed into keys that could help, but you also may not have access to this feature. All Secure Lock & Security has a few recommendations to help in the event this should ever happen. 

  1. Our first suggestion is to always have a set of spare keys in the house just in case you misplace keys and need immediate solutions so you can leave on time for whatever in the world is calling you out. Then, when you return home, you can begin the search. 
  2. Our second suggestion is to place keys on a KeySmart organizer. This device can hold up to 14 keys and provides a Bluetooth connection between your keys and your phone. This device does require charging however, so do not let those keys sit for too long in the snow. It could be the spring thaw before you find them again. 
  3. Our third suggestion is to use a good old fashion metal detector to find your keys. Many metal detectors have various settings that can be configured to help find the specialized metals often used in keys. 
  4. Our fourth suggestion is to go keyless! Technology now offers the opportunity to fit our homes, offices and even automobiles (if they are already outfitted) for touchpads, biometrics, and Bluetooth options that no longer require a traditional key. 

As the winter months set in, make sure you are prepared for potentially dropping your keys in 20 inches of snow. By the way, we have reports of people losing keys on ski slopes and while out snowmobiling. If you are active in winter sports, we even have hide-a-key solutions that integrate with technology. Gone are the days of hiding a key in the wheel well with a simple slide open box. Stop into our shop and we will show off fun new options! See you soon!