A Cautionary Tale – Do You Know Where Your Keys Are?
Bob and Sandy were so excited to finally get a weekend off from their small business to take the kids out to camp. They made reservations at the local campground, about 3 hours from their home, where they knew cell phones would not work and they could find the peace and quiet they craved to spend quality time with their family. Bob packed the truck and camper while Sandy rounded up the kiddos along with toys, swim wear and tasty food she knew everyone would like. Kids and gear packed up, they hit the road to the adventure that awaited them.
The next day, snugly tucked away in a remote campground, Bob retrieved his pack from the truck, locking the door out of habit. Immediately, Bob realized his mistake and asked Sandy for her spare set of keys. She commented that she had left her keys at home. They both realized at that moment they were locked out the truck, with no cell service, hours from home. After a few hours of considering alternatives, Bob had to break the window in the truck to gain access.
When they returned home, the couple discussed what had happened to determine what could be done differently. A spare set of keys that lived in the camper was the conclusion. Bob promptly headed over to All Secure Lock & Security to get a spare set of keys for his truck that could live inside the camper in a hidden place. While Bob was there, he also made spare sets of keys for his four-wheel quad, boat and motorcycle. You can never be too prepared when it comes to playing in nature! By the way, not every duplicate key works. Read about the importance of using a locksmith to create spare keys for all of your home and office locks.

Don’t get locked out in nature. Get spare keys for all of your recreational vehicles! Motorcycles, campers, boats, trucks and trailers keys are buy one, get one at 50% off through the month of June!