The Power Of Keyways
Did you know that all of the different keys available are actually blank templates for the various locks available? Depending on what is being locked/unlocked could drive the brand of key used that is designed to match the keyway of the locking mechanism. A keyway is the slot or groove that the key matches and slides into. A locksmith can be engaged to install your locks using custom keyways options to prevent duplicates and provide for one key that opens all locks on a property.
For example, if you replace the lock on your front door, you no longer have a key that matches the backdoor, the garage and the sliding glass door. Working with a professional locksmith, you can match a keyway from other locking mechanisms to reduce the amount of keys you are carrying. When considering brands in this scenario, trying to use a Schlage key into a Kwikset lock will only cause problems. Each has a different style of keyway preventing the use of each other’s branded keys on one another. This option can also be applied to safes, cabinets, mailboxes, padlocks and so much more.
When a customer calls into All Secure Lock and Security to request that their home be rekeyed, we always ask if they have different keys for each door or desire that all doors can be opened with the same key. The next question is about the actual locks. We ask if a key will enter the lock but not open the lock. This is a sign that we can proceed with creating a uniformed key as the various doors are using the same keyway and same brand of lock. If the key does not fit into the lock, hardware replacement will be needed to create a single key option for all doors. We do not always recommend a full replacement, depending on the needs of our customers. Budget, timing and security integrations may hinder the need for a single key for all doors. You do have our promise to give honest security advice always then let you make the right decision for your home or office.
Are you looking to make sure that your keys don’t get duplicated without your permission see our blog on Do Not Duplicate keys. Using a high security keyway that isn’t available at big box stores or automated machines will help keep your property secure from unauthorized entry.
Ready to create uniformity to all of your home locks? Contact us for a conversation about the best locks (and keyways) to secure your home.