5 Ways To Keep Vacation Rentals All Secure

We were talking to a woman recently who recounted a story about her high school friends who all lived in the Colorado Foothills. She told us about all of the vacation homes that were located near the schools and the communities where her friends resided. Many of the kids were aware of which homes were vacant for most of the year so they would break into those homes that were vacant to have gatherings and parties. The years have passed since this time in her life, but the story chilled us to the bone regardless of how long ago it was. Securing one’s vacation property is a vital act to keep out neighboring kids and anyone else who may be tempted to take advantage of a property without full time residents.

All Secure Lock & Security provides a number of home, rental property and HOA communities with comprehensive security programs. Each systems is tailored to meet the needs of the property owner and can include: visual monitoring, home automation and smart home security options. Below are 5 deterrent ideas for keeping potential burglars away from your vacation home.

  1. Timed Lights – 40% of burglaries occur at night. But just leaving the lights on all night is not necessarily an effect means to ward off potential burglar. Setting timed lights to turn off and on throughout the day and evening hours can present the illusion that someone is home, reducing the chances that a robber may come to visit. Set the timers to go off at different times throughout the week or better yet, monitor and adjust timers using mobile application technology to give a feeling that real life is happening inside.
  2. Install a safe for valuables – A burglar often peaks through the windows to target easy items to walk off with. First, make sure any jewelry or other precious items are locked up and out of sight. If you want to be extra tricky, leave out cheap costume jewelry that will either be identified as less quality, and the thief moves along, or they steal something with no value.
  3. Install a surveillance system – This may seem obvious, but having a video monitoring system that records visitors to the property can give the authorities a good head start on neighborhood burglaries. Some systems even have voice greeting options so if your alarm goes off, you can see the thief and verbally let them know they are on camera. Smile!
  4. Add security signage – Most burglars will move along if they see warning signs like “beware of dog” and “area is being monitored.” There may be easy targets for them with less risk of being caught or injured. Adding security signs to windows, doors and even front lawns can be an easy and affordable solution (even if you have not yet installed your formal security programs.)
  5. Go keyless – Keyless entry to properties means less chance of anyone having a spare key to your property, especially if you use your second home as a vacation rental for others to visit. Keyless locks are easy to install and codes can be changed often, reducing the risk that a burglar picks a lock or finds a random spare key outside of the home.

Are you not sure if your vacation property or HOA community is All Secure? Contact us today for a complimentary security audit and recommendation to keep your home safe from theft and unwanted visitors.

1 Comment

  1. […] you own a vacation rental home, even if you have a great property management team, a quick review of safety and security options with All Secure Lock and Security is a great idea. We can review access control systems, […]