Financing Your Security System

As businesses grow and expand, security can be an afterthought from the business plan. We hear all too often that an organization realizes it needs to upgrade access control, add video monitoring, install better security doors, and maybe even consider new lock down strategies. Funding projects like the installation of a comprehensive security program can arrive unexpectedly. All Secure Lock and Security has created a partnership to help our fellow entrepreneurs and business owners access the security services and technology needed to safeguard people, products, and premises when they need it.

Our financing partner is Marlin Capital Solutions, soon to be PEAC Solutions. This group specializes in helping small business owners meet capital needs for growth, including security programs. We enjoy this group due to their focus on small business specifically, with flexible lending options and streamlined application processes to remove cumbersome red tape that can slow the acquisition of needed funding. In keeping with our own core values to always make a positive impact, Marlin dons a tagline of “making a giant difference for small business” making them an ideal partner for us to help our clients stay All Secure. 

If you are considering new installation or upgrades to a commercial security program for your small business AND need funding, visit our website for a link to an application for financing. If you are not sure how much you will need, talk to one of our expert Electronic Security Specialists about the types of systems available. We look forward to seeing you!