Commercial Door Installations – Not Your Average Install
The installation of commercial doors can be a complicated task. As a general contractor, you may be working with a group that runs into trouble when attempting to install mechanical doors that include auto operators. If you have issues, All Secure Lock & Security is here to help. We have been installing commercial mechanical door solutions for over a decade and ready to jump in when needed.
Vertical rods and multipoint locking systems cause some of the biggest headaches when installing. Ensuring that these components line up correctly with settling foundations or door frames that are not completely plumb may require advanced knowledge about the inner workings of the door to find success. A review of the stability of the surface where mounted bars are installed to lock a door down is generally the first step in the process. Often mechanical doors conceal vertical rods within the door casing so creating alignment for proper lock down can be a challenge. If the door also includes an auto operator function, such as a button for handicap access, additional complications can arise. Toss in an integration with access control systems and a simple door installation can become a troublesome issue.
All Secure Lock & Security can provide professional commercial door installation in a variety of scenarios. First, we are able to compliment any construction crew with our highly skilled door installation experts who have vast knowledge about vertical rod alignments, various hinge solutions to handle stability needs, and auto operator solutions for doors that require mechanical add ons. Security is in our name so we are also able to help with protecting commercial buildings that may be in higher crime areas by providing solutions like latch guards and cylinder rings to prevent someone with a pipe wrench from breaking into the locks. We have several ideas like this one for advanced security measures when needed.
The biggest advantage to working with a professional locksmith and security company for commercial door installation are the solutions that we can offer that are not available at big box stores. Imagine, for example, that you ordered in 10 locks for the facility being built only to discover you need an 11th lock. We can help fill in the gap and get you the additional hardware quickly. If the commercial property does have an access control system, we can wire in the security hardware, test technology solutions and troubleshoot any issues that may arise while your team of builders and installers continue with other projects to complete on time. Give your commercial property owners peace of mind by giving them a solution of a great partnership that will last long after any warranties run out and your team of operators and contractors have moved on.
Consider contracting with All Secure Lock & Security for all of your commercial doors installations. Visit our website all-secure.net for additional details or call us at 303-667-2736 to meet our team. We look forward to serving you.