Access Control Systems Revolutionizes Physical Work Spaces
Access control systems used to be designed to keep bad guys out. With new technology adoption, access control systems can now also provide flexible and hybrid workspaces, track activity and movement, and even control resource allocation and use. Access control systems can now cater to a fluid, remote workforce and employers who wish to keep safe working conditions in place.
Flexible and Hybrid Workplaces
In the recent past, if a worker wanted access to their physical workspace, they had to visit during hours when the building was open or they needed to be issued a key for entry. Modern day access control systems can now offer key card, personal identification numbers, and even Bluetooth cell phone credential solutions to allow employees access to the office whenever needed. Access control systems can also provide enhanced safety to anyone in the building in the event of an active shooter or some other threat by allowing for remote lock downs of entrances, exits, office suites, conference rooms, and other spaces all within seconds. Access control systems have also proven to provide a health benefit by only allowing people into a space if maximum capacity has not been reached or if social distancing requirements mandate a reduced occupancy rate. Lastly, because many access control systems can now integrate with other security systems, employers can manage multiple locations remotely.
Track Activity and Movement
Access control systems can boost productivity, or at least let an employer know that a problem could be arising. By tracking when and how often an employee enters/exits the building, an employer can track tardiness, absences, start times, end times, and breaks. Watching the comings and goings of a building can provide security teams with an understanding of the flow and traffic patterns of a business, that could lead to faster identification and response times in the event of an anomaly or emergency.
Resource Allocation
A well-designed access control system can also provide insight into areas of a building that are being used on a regular basis. Understanding how employees or tenants use a space could help reduce energy costs by turning down heat and lights automatically when an area is not in use. With so much of the work force predicted to remain remote after the pandemic, downsizing offices may be a coming trend. Avoid overcompensation of downgrading to an office that is too small for your needs. Instead, study the actual needs of your employees using access control systems and find the ideal workspace for all.
If access control systems are not yet part of your general business security programs, now is the time to review ways to keep your business safe and operating optimally. Contact us at All Secure Lock and Security for a complimentary walk through of your commercial building. We can provide suggestions to meet any budget.